- Dancers will be instructed to wait inside the facility with a teacher if their parent/guardian is late to pick up their child
- Any dancer or parent/guardian making derogatory comments towards other parents/guardians, dancers, or faculty may result in disciplinary action which could include being dismissed from the class or studio
- Bullying, explicit language, and disruptive comments are prohibited
- Dancers are expected to attend every class during the dance season. If for some reason your dancer is not able to attend class, please notify Janice or your dancer’s teacher
- Dancers are expected to show up on time to their classes; readily dressed and ready to participate
- Fees must be paid by the 10th of the month. Failure to do so will result in a $10 late fee for each month payment is late.
- Ziegfeld School of Dance is not responsible for any lost or stolen belongings. It is highly recommended you label all belongings and leave valuables at home.
- Ziegfeld School of Dance will not issue refunds for tuition, registration fees, missed classes or any other payment.
- Ziegfeld School of dance is not a baby sitting service. Children who are not enrolled in classes are not permitted to be left unsupervised. If Children are left unsupervised parents will be charged a $20 fee. If this continues, disciplinary action may be taken.
- If a parent is more than 10 minutes late following the completion of their child's class, they will be charged a fee of $1 a minute for the supervision of their child unless previous arrangements have been made
- If a dancer withdraws from classes after costumes have been order, the dancers family will be responsible for paying any outstanding fees associated with the costume.