Instructors and Dancers:
- Must wash or sanitize their hands upon entering and exiting the facility.
- Must come dressed to dance. No changing facilities will be provided.
- At this time masks are not mandatory for dancers while dancing, as recommended by the world health organization. Dancer are encouraged to wear masks while not dancing, in common areas or during times they may come in close contact with others.
- Teachers will wear masks at any time they may come in close contact with dancers, such as when they are moving around the room.
- Attendance will be taken in each class, to ensure contact tracing is possible.
- Parents must pre-screen dancers for signs and symptoms prior to attending. Do not attend class if the dancer or anyone in their family have tested positive or are symptomatic as defined by the Government of Manitoba COVID-19 webpage
- Symptoms may include: Cough, Headache, Fever/ chills, Muscle aches, Sore throat/ hoarse voice, Shortness of breath/ breathing difficulties, Loss of taste or smell, Vomiting, or diarrhea for more than 24 hours, Poor feeding if an infant, Runny nose, Fatigue, Nausea or loss of appetite, Conjunctivitis (pink eye), Skin rash of unknown cause
- Doors and/or windows will be opened when possible to allow for increased ventilation.
- Commonly touched surfaces, such as door knobs will be cleaned regularly throughout the day.
- Separate entrances and exits will be designated in rooms with more than one door.
- Floors will be throughly cleaned if floor work occurs.
- Floors will be taped off in boxes to ensure social distancing.
- Personal belongings such as water bottles, dance bags and shoes MUST be labelled with the dancers name
- Dancers will be provided with a designated space to put their personal belongings.
- Dancers will have 2 meters between one another in all directions at all times
- Maximum number of students per class will be in accordance with social distancing guidelines as set out by Manitoba Health.
- Parents of dancers 7 and older will not be allowed inside the facility. These dancers should be dropped off and picked up at the door.
- If props are used, they will be cleaned before and after use.
- Parents must pick up dancers on time. Due to space restrictions we will have extremely limited space for dancer to wait.
- Manitoba Association of Dance Educators
- World Health Organization